We offer nationwide tree surveying and tree inspections for multiple sectors to help businesses meet their legal duty of care. All data is recorded using our specialist WOODPLAN/GPS/CAD software, which allows our clients to keep detailed tree records to enable forward-planning and convenient data-capture

Our tree surveyors will identify hidden problems that could compromise a tree’s health and structural integrity.

Inspections will identify and provide a detailed analysis of tree condition, amenity value, fungal diseases, trunk integrity, pest attacks. All these issues are diagnosed by our team of technicians and by using the best technology and software for each job.

Fungal infections and trunk integrity can be checked with PiCUS tomography, and with this we produce reports and recommendations for our clients, which we can then implement if necessary.

All our surveys follow the visual tree assessment method (VTM) method of tree diagnosis that is legally recognised worldwide.

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The Children’s Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

An ambitious design and build project creating a destination play area, themed around ‘What do Plants need to Grow’. Winner of the 2019 BALI Grand Award.
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Beat the budget blues by becoming your own disruptor

Ground Control Non-Executive Chairman, Martin Leuw, talks to The Times on why the activity that underpins our business model should be constantly challenged

Arboriculture awareness courses. Continuing professional excellence

Ground Control, in its continued support and development of staff, once again arranged arboriculture awareness training for managers whom manage services in the infrastructure division.
Case Study

The Children’s Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

An ambitious design and build project creating a destination play area, themed around ‘What do Plants need to Grow’. Winner of the 2019 BALI Grand Award.


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