Throughout 2023 we have been marking 50 years of Ground Control with a celebration of learning and volunteering to showcase Human Nature: At Its Best.

    Adding to the celebration was a commitment from Ground Control to plant 1,200 trees at our Wildfell Centre for Environmental Recovery, with each tree representing a member of staff.

During National Tree Week, Ground Control teams were invited to support the tree planting on-site at Wildfell, and successfully planted over 1,600 trees with mulch mats and vole guards through a strip mulch system.

Brian Smith, Group Sales & Marketing Director, who joined the celebrations commented;

I am thrilled to see so many people joining our tree-planting events at Wildfell and celebrating 50 years of Ground Control. With so many different teams represented, it is clear that our environmental ethos runs throughout the company, and from a personal perspective, it’s been a fantastic experience.

Three key areas were planted throughout the week, with a specific goal to support rewilding at Wildfell. Two locations focused on enrichment planting for natural regeneration areas, and the final on creating new native broadleaf trees and edge shrubs.

The predominately native mix included bird cherry, common lime, crab apple, crack willow, holly, midland hawthorn, scots pine, wild cherry, silver birch, alder buckthorn, dogwood, and wayfaring tree.


National Apprenticeship Week 2025

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National Tree Week: A view from Wildfell

Chris Bawtree, Nature Recovery Director, updates us on woodland creation at Wildfell for National Tree Week

National Badger Day at Wildfell

Our ecology team share a badger update from our Wildfell Centre for Environmental Recovery, and why badgers are important for a healthy ecosystem.

Speak to us about woodland creation and landscaping projects

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