More than a Million

It is with enormous pride that we can announce that Ground Control has surpassed its 5-year goal of planting 1 million trees, two years ahead of schedule!
Set to be achieved in 2025, the current tally is over 1.3 million trees planted, made up of native, ornamental tree and shrub species, across all stock sizes. These have been planted across the Evergreen Fund, volunteer projects and partnerships with clients.
Chris Bawtree, Nature Recovery Director commented:
2021 and 2022 collectively saw nearly 700,000 trees, a number almost matched in 2023 alone with over 650,000 trees planted. A bumper 2023 accumulated in a celebration of Grounds Control’s 50th Year with volunteers planting a tree for every member of staff.

Contributing to this achievement have been projects such as the BALI award-winning 'Commonwealth Forests’, a project in 2022 that saw the planting of 35,000 trees with Severn Trent Water, recognised in the 'Community and Schools' Development' category.

Ground Control has continued to enhance its environmental credentials, as Sophie Stephens, Head of Environment & Sustainability, recently introduced our new net zero target and plans to achieve it.
Chris Bawtree, continued:

Planting a tree for everyone at Ground Control

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