Supporting workplace wellbeing with London Fire Brigade

Here at Ground Control, our grounds maintenance field team has been working with London Fire Brigade on value-added CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiatives, by transforming a patch of wasteland at Sutton Fire Station, into a sustainable, green vegetable garden.
As the full-time grounds maintenance contractor for the fire station, Ground Control is regularly on site. In addition to keeping the grounds in pristine condition and fit for purpose all year, we are committed to supporting our customers in CSR through our expert environmental services.
This is how our contract manager Michele Dullagan got talking to the station commander Glenn Coxon and identified how Ground Control could support workplace wellbeing and environmental sustainability through creating a vegetable garden on a disused area of land adjacent to the site kitchen.
The grounds maintenance field team, supported by Michele, invested extra time to source 15 sleepers for the patch and to get the area ready for sowing seeds next spring. Michele also provided Glenn with packets of herbs to grow indoors.
The result is a sustainable garden for growing vegetables that has transformed a small area of disused land into something that can be enjoyed by firefighters in between serving on the front line. It also contributes to biodiversity targets through carbon sequestration and habitat creation.
Michele Dullagan commented: