Devana Centre for Environmental Recovery is Section 106 Approved

Ground Control's Devana Centre for Environmental Recovery becomes one of the first Habitat Banks in England to be registered on the National Register, following an approved Section 106 agreement.
Based within the South Cambridgeshire District Council LPA and South Suffolk and North Essex Clayland NCA, Biodiversity (BNG) Units at Devana are some of the first in England to be registered on the National Register, now offering 207 units for planning applications, developments, or voluntary purchase.
The DEFRA ‘Biodiversity Net Gains Sites Register’ is a public register for sites that have all the necessary provisions in place to offer biodiversity enhancements that can be allocated for development.
Devana works with Natural Cambridgeshire to achieve their aim “to double land managed for nature across the region”. Across the project, the 207 units include species-rich grassland, woodland creation, hedgerow planting, and lakes/ ponds, which will create valuable habitats for pollinators, birds, bats, mammals, and reptiles.
The sale of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) units at Devana demonstrates Ground Control’s capacity to deliver reliable units in the emerging statutory market, with effective design, accurate DEFRA calculations, and a habitat management and monitoring plan (HMMP) all-in-one place
Units, and fractional units, can now be purchased and allocated to planning applications, with habitat creation already underway. The scheme demonstrates how Nature Recovery can be delivered sustainably to deliver long-term revenues for landowners.
Chris Bawtree, Nature Recovery Director at Ground Control commented:
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