Environmental policies and compliance

Environmental Policy Statement
We recognise our legal and moral obligations to protect and help enhance the environment. To this end, we have established an environmental management system which has an accredited certification to the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and is monitored and updated to ensure we operate in a way that not only protects, but where possible, enhances the environment.
We are committed to ensuring:
- We maintain an environmental management system appropriate to the context of the organisation which satisfies the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, industry best practice and all other compliance obligations.
- Support and provide provision of suitable environmental management resources across the organisation
- Manage our company activities in a way that prevents pollution and minimises environmental risks to as low as reasonably practicable
- Provide a documented framework for setting out, maintaining, and reviewing ‘objectives’ and ‘targets’ including establishing environmental emergency procedures.
- Seek to ensure environmental awareness and responsibilities at all levels is communicated to all our staff, by providing appropriate environmental training and educating employees in their environmental responsibilities
- Promote water and energy efficiency measures and work towards more sustainable fleet solutions
- Take a responsible approach to procurement in which we use, transfer, and dispose of work equipment, goods and materials in a manner that considers the environment.
- Take environmental performance into account when purchasing equipment and materials.
- Take a collaborative approach with our interested parties, including the clients we work with
Responsibilities are a critical component of Ground Control’s commitment to addressing environmental compliance across the business and are as follows:
- Ground Controls Board, supported by the Managing Director, has overall accountability for the company’s environmental performance and sustainability initiatives.
- All management teams (operations and business support) are responsible for the overall environmental performance of their operations.
- The operational management teams are responsible for setting the strategic direction in partnership with the divisional HSQE support functions and in alignment with the environmental strategy targets
- All Ground Control employees are responsible for the actions and behaviors that drive environmental sustainability.
All Ground Control business divisions shall, at a minimum:
- Define responsibilities for environmental compliance and sustainability at each level of the operational organisation structure.
- Incorporate environmental training on Environmental responsibilities at each management level.
Implementation of this Policy
To achieve this we will plan, set and implement specified and measurable environmental objectives within the environmental objectives plan. This will be further supported by the regular review of the effectiveness of the management system via the management review process.
The HSQE Department is responsible for the update and implementation of this policy and is actively supported by the Executive team. All employees will be made aware of our Environmental Policy and its objectives. This policy is subject to regular change and updated versions will be published on the company ‘Pulse’.
Monitoring Effectiveness
We shall review the management system regularly and provide resources (finance, training, supervision, equipment, and materials) to implement and continually improve our environmental management systems. As part of this philosophy, we shall set environmental objectives across the whole of the organisation which will be measured against and reported upon.